‘The Project’ Took The Piss Out Of Those Idiotic Anti-Marriage Equality Ads

"You can say no... but why would you?"

Marriage Equality No Ad

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By now, you’ve probably seen those awful ads put out by the Coalition for Marriage about why you should vote No in the upcoming postal survey on marriage equality.

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the gist:

The ad features three concerned mums talking about the supposed negative consequences of allowing same sex couples to marry. These apparently include boys being allowed to wear dresses and school kids being asked to role-play being in same sex relationships, as if that’s a bad thing.

None of it makes much sense, but then again if you try and apply logic to what these people say you’re setting yourself up for a steep uphill battle.

Still, when it comes to this particular ad, it turns out we might have only gotten half the story. On Wednesday night’s episode of The Project, the program’s resident investigative reporter, Peter Helliar, claimed to have found the “raw tapes” from the shoot, and they paint a very different picture.

Like Helliar says, it’s amazing what ends up on the cutting room floor.