We’re Now Electrocuting Kit Harington To Get Answers About Jon Snow’s Fate


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Jon Snow’s predicament on Game of Thrones is now classified as common knowledge. Still, spoilers!

Please stop whatever you are doing and take a brief moment to imagine the past year of Kit Harington’s life. Really consider it. Yes, he’s a very well paid, attractive, and widely adored actor. Those parts are good, I’m not disputing it. But he’s also been the victim of an unrelenting worldwide manhunt in which fans have tried every tactic at their disposal to press him for information on his character’s fate.

Since his character was tragically slaughtered by the Night’s Watch in the show’s fifth season finale, Harington’s been routinely interrogated over the length of his hair, summarily probed by journalists about his constant whereabouts, and downright stalked on- and off-set. This has been 12 month’s of a man’s life — the prime of his life. Kit Harington has spent his 29th year on this earth dutifully serving the whim of a fantasy creation you laugh at once a week with your friends. And now, just three weeks out from the new season’s premiere in which we’ll hopefully get some answers, he’s being ritualistically electrocuted on television.

Gaze upon this and know it is fully our doing:

In better news, it seems that Harington and his former on-screen love interest Rose Leslie (Ygritte) are officially a couple! There have been rumours circulating about an on-and-off again relationship for a few years now, but the actors last night appeared at the Olivier Awards together in London lookin’ awful smoochy.


Game of Thrones new season premieres on April 25.