Here’s Everything You Can Expect From Next Week’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale

"The Freys and the Lannisters send their regards."

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This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones. Seriously. So many spoilers.

Well, fuck. In what’s being hailed as one of the show’s most dramatic and visually stunning episodes to date, last night’s penultimate instalment of Game of Thrones‘ sixth season sure did deliver a lot. We saw Stark banners flying once again at Winterfell, Dany and Yara seemingly planned their rule of all mankind through a prolonged moment of erotic eye contact, and Sansa was finally allowed to seize her rightful justice on Ramsay — specifically on his smarmy face.

Now, in the wake of this great emotional trauma (RIP Rickon, Wun Wun, everyone’s nerves around the moment Jon Snow Braveheart-ed himself before an entire cavalry), let’s all cool ourselves off with a first look at the season premiere. Oh, nope, sorry, everything is still incredibly stressful.

Here’s some of what we can gather from that 40-second supercut of grimaces and unrelenting sadness:

— Some serious shit is about to go down at King’s Landing. With Cersei standing trial the old-fashioned way (without the aid of enormous reanimated corpses which pull people’s faces off), she’s now on the lookout for a wildcard to pull out against the Faith Militant. Does she have some wildfire up her sleeve? Is this going to screw with Margaery’s mysterious plan? How will Tommen fare in all this? (Lol, one way or another, Tommen is absolutely going to die).

— Things aren’t all that sunny at Winterfell either. The glow of victory (won through enormous fatalities, personal loss and inevitable trauma which will haunt each of them to their dying day) has worn off quick for Jon and Sansa. The pair are about to face up to the greater battles which lay ahead of them, and Sansa’s having very ominous D&Ms with Littlefinger about what she owes him for saving their skin (nope, no thank you).

— Team Stark will have some extra trouble with Ser Davos turning against the Red Woman too. After stumbling across the spot she burned Shireen alive (ah, memories), he’s forcing her to answer for her sins before Jon. At least it will give her something to do this season other then mope in her bedroom and refuse to tells us more about the fact she’s secretly an old woman.

Sorry, no. Explain yourself.

— Over at the Riverlands, Walder Frey is toasting Jamie with a sick callback to the Red Wedding (“the Freys and the Lannisters send their regards”). Everyone looks pretty stoked about it except for Jamie and… against all odds, I’m secretly hoping for some Frey justice. If you’d like to fall down the fan theory rabbit hole on this one, the internet has you sorted.

— Dany and Daario look to be getting extra cosy again after her easy win over the Masters, so Emilia Clarke may finally get the full frontal peen she’s been asking for.

— Also, with just one quick shot in the whole trailer, there looks to be extremely minimal Bran so that’s something.

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Bran. Just fucking don’t.