
Olivia Wilde’s Sexy Salad Vinaigrette Recipe Just Dropped

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Everyone drop what you’re doing because Olivia Wilde’s sexy salad dressing that captured imaginations the world over, is now available to us all.

Yes, actor Olivia Wilde, who is currently making headlines for the special adulterous salad dressing that she apparently prepared before a rendezvous with Harry Styles, has seemingly gone public with the ingredients of the dressing in question, and sorry, but prepare to be underwhelmed.

Posting a page from Nora Ephron’s Heartburn in an Instagram story, we see the novel’s protagonist Rachel Samstat recount making dinner.

“I made a bouillabaisse,” declares Rachel, “and creme brûlée, and in-between there was a salad.” Oh my god! Here it is.

“Mix two tablespoons grey Poupon mustard with two tablespoons good red wine vinegar.”

“Then, whisking constantly with a fork, slowly add six tablespoons olive oil, until the vinaigrette is thick and creamy; this makes a very strong vinaigrette that’s perfect for salad greens like arugula and watercress and endive.”

It’s a dressing reveal, folks! “That’s just a basic salad vinaigrette!” I hear you protest, And yes, it kind of is. Vinegar, olive oil, mustard: It’s about as basic a vinaigrette as they come.

It’s unclear how such a bare-bones vinaigrette worked to tear Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis apart, but who knows? Who knows what hidden powers this classic combination of ingredients harking back to 19th century France is capable of? For one thing, it almost definitely has the power to get Jason Sudeikis to lie under a car in a bid to preserve the sanctity of marriage. So can we at least take a second to appreciate that?

And yes, we’re a little disappointed that Olivia Wilde didn’t in fact spend two hours putting together a bouillabaisse (French fish stew) for the One Direction alumnus instead, because that would’ve been hilarious.  Nevertheless, we applaud Wilde for admitting, albeit in a slightly wanky way, that the salad dressing was just a dressing. You don’t win friends with salad, after all.

Photo credit: Vivien Killilea/Getty Images