
All The Cancelled Media Personalities Who We’ve Welcomed Into Australia (So Far)

Our lands abound with these...people.

katie hopkins piers morgan australia photo

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Say what you want about Australia’s draconian immigration policies; there’s a certain category of human who we will not hesitate to roll the red carpet out for.

I’m taking about the oppressed. The downtrodden. Those who have been banished from their own countries because of the unyielding scourge of cancel culture. I’m talking, of course, many disgraced media personalities, many of whom have very loud and racist opinions, who have found work and welcome in Australia after being ‘cancelled’ in their home countries.

Yes, where their country has turned their back on them, Australia has welcomed these huddled masses with open arms. And there are more of them than you’d think.

Have a gander at just some of the disgraced personalities who, after being banished from their home countries, found a warm welcome in Australia.

Paul Henry (New Zealand)

In 2010, Paul Henry, a New Zealand TV host on NZ TV’s Breakfast made racist remarks about the then Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit. He later asked the NZ Prime Minister on his show if Sir Anand Satyanand — New Zealand’s Governor-General at the time — would be succeeded by someone who looks more like a New Zealander. (He meant white.)

“Are you going to choose a New Zealander who looks and sounds like a New Zealander this time… Are we going to go for someone who is more like a New Zealander this time?” he probed.

After a deluge of complaints and protests, Henry was made to resign from his long-held post. But it didn’t take long for him to turn up in Sydney, where he landed a cushy role co-hosting Channel 10’s Breakfast. Thankfully, the show was cancelled after nine months due to low ratings. Though it did gift us this lovely moment, where Shaun Micallef basically takes a royal piss over the whole production.

Katie Hopkins (UK)

The far-right columnist Katie Hopkins famously called the migrants coming into the UK from Calais a “plague of feral humans”, was also fired from her UK radio show for calling for a “final solution” after the 2017 Manchester Arena attacks.

Hopkins ended up being granted a visa to visit Australia for an appearance on Celebrity Big Brother in 2021, a decision so cursed that it ended up being investigated by the Human Rights Commission. That being said, she ended up being swiftly deported after filming herself floating regulations in hotel quarantine.  She ended up filming herself in front of a mash-up of British and US flags, referring to Australia as a “very dark place indeed.”

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux (Canada)

Ah yes, these people. Lauren Southern, who once called Black Lives Matter an “ethnic terrorist organisation” and pretended to be gender transitioning as part of a stunt, and Stefan Molyneux who traffics in some seriously old school racism which posits that some ethnic groups have higher IQs than others.

The two ended up being granted visas to do an Australian tour, with their Melbourne appearance sparking protests met with police in literal riot gear. At one point, Lauren apparently tried to film some footage in front of a mosque in Lakemba before being told my police move on. Please enjoy this photo of Southern gracing us all with her presence in 2018.

Piers Morgan (UK)

Piers Morgan has done his utmost to make a fool himself in his native UK over the years, but perhaps never more than when his co-host Alex Beresford called out his constant criticism of Meghan Markle on-air, after he declared that he didn’t “believe a word” Markle had said during last year’s infamous Oprah interview.

In response, Beresford did God’s work in calling Morgan’s constant bullying and weird obsession with Markle “pathetic” and “diabolical”, prompting the 56-year-old to storm off set in a huff. Morgan later resigned from his post.

”Pushy little Princess Pinocchio tried her utmost to cancel me,“ Morgan later said of Markle, adding later that he planned to “emerge like Lazarus from the Den.”

Apparently, Rupert Murdoch has since hired Piers to helm a news show on Sky News Australia, referring to Piers as “the broadcaster every channel wants but is too afraid to hire”. Right.

It looks as though Morgan is already at large in Australia — he tweeted on Monday that he had a “fascinating” conversation with Prime Minister Scott Morrison about “Ukraine, China, and Cancel Culture.”

God help us all.