
Brazilians Are Campaigning For Rihanna To Give Birth In Brazil

The ultimate realisation of the 'come to Brazil' meme.

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Meanwhile, in Brazil: there’s a burgeoning movement for Rihanna to have her baby in their country.

Rihanna, of course, is famously pregnant, and she’s in Brazil for her boyfriend A$AP Rocky’s performance at Lollapalooza. The two are reportedly staying in the Northern Brazilian state of Paraíba.

According to the newsletter Garbage Day, it all kicked off when an alleged list of the pregnancy cravings Rihanna was having in Brazil went viral on Twitter. The tweet is in Portuguese, but roughly translates to: “The foods that Rihanna asked for her in Brazil — she knows Brazilian food and she knows it well!”

The list apparently includes a list of very typically Brazilian food including feijoada (black bean stew), açai (native to the region), pão de queijo (cheese bread) and cuscuz with mantiega de garrafa (couscous with clarified butter). It sounds like this baby has good taste!

In response to the list of typically Brazilian foods, Twitter user @tatyanavaleria posted a tweet which roughly translates to: “Rihanna put buttered couscous on her bucket list. It is up to [Governor of Paraíba, João Azevêdo] to make her have this baby here in Paraíba. We need the next generation of Paraibanos.”

As Garbage Day points out, @tatyanavaleria actually used the expression “cacto da futura geração” or “next generation cactus” — a reference to a Big Brother Brasil contestant called Juliette from the state of Paraíba. So we’re gathering that ‘cactus’ is slang for ‘person from Paraíba’.

If it weren’t enough, Governor Azevêdo responded to the tweet putting forward the following sentiment: “If it depends on us, another cactus is coming. Rihanna or any other woman who wants to have a baby in Paraíba will find the maternal-infant network completely modernised, with new equipment and state-of-the-art technology.”

As Ryan Broderick writes: “In many ways, this is the ultimate “come to Brazil” moment and also the perfect Brazilian meme, combining Brazil’s love of escalating and chaotic Twitter chatter, American pop stars, and a pandemic-era pride in the country’s public healthcare system SUS [Sistema Único de Saúde].

Look, we’ve heard everything we needed to hear. We are also joining the ‘Rihanna’s baby should be birthed in Brazil’ movement’. Birth that baby in Brazil, Rihanna! If you want to, that is. It’s quite possibly none of our business.

Photo Credit: Getty Images