
This Australian Comedian Has The Exclusive Full Version Of Johnny Depp’s Apology Video

"I reckon people will think we're real friendly."

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In the past 16 hours, since our Deputy Prime Minister released a bone-chilling re-enactment of The Simpsons’ ‘Bart v Australia’ episode starring Johnny Depp, we seem to have slipped one step closer into another dimension.

Overseas news networks like CNN are now printing the words “war on terrier” with straight-faced solemnity. After reaching its glorious full piss-taking potential, Twitter has imploded. The Guardian has already published a thinkpiece naming the video “a terrifying insight into state mind control” and Barnaby Joyce just held a press conference in which he described Australia’s view of bio-security as “red-hot”.

This is our reality now.

Now, leaping joyfully into the absurd rift Joyce has carved in the fabric of our existence (probably with the knife from Crocodile Dundee), Australian comedian and YouTube star Natalie Tran has released this: the exclusive full cut of the video. We may as well embrace it.