
You Can Now Order Pizza With Just Your Eyes

UK Pizza Hut stores are testing a 'subliminal menu'. This is the beginning of the end.

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In news that is somehow not at all a joke, Pizza Hut stores in the UK are currently trialling a ‘subliminal menu’ that enables you to order your meal without ever opening your mouth. Now, you are no longer required to open your mouth until molten cheese is mere seconds away from being funnelled directly into your cram hole. No longer will you have to expend precious pizza shovelling energy on interacting with other human beings or grunting the few words it takes for a hot disc of meat to appear before you.

This is it, friends. This is what civilisation has been working towards this whole time.

The iPad application tracks your retina movements and supposedly pre-empts your selection out of a possible 4,896 possible combinations. Each of the available ingredients are presented before you and whatever your eye is drawn to most is what you’ll be getting on a pizza. Did you absent-mindedly glance at the middle of the screen? Have fun with that bacon-fest, vego. Trying to figure out what those tiny yellow splodges are? Enjoy your delicious corn pizza!

As the video so proudly declares, “it’s like magic, but without the weirdness!”

The device has been developed over the past six months by Swedish tech company Tobii. Declaring themselves a leader in the emerging field of apocalyptic Minority Report-style eye scanning (though for some reason they don’t use those exact words), they also carried out a bunch of “psychological research” in the development process.

This is far from being an isolated thing either. Dominoes totally changed the game just last month by offering an exclusive service to UK gamers. An app run exclusively on Xbox One enables them to order pizza by merely yelling “feed me” at their console or making desperate munching gestures.

As for Pizza Hut, it remains to be seen whether ‘subliminal menus’ will catch on in other countries. Though, of all customers tested so far, a reported 98 percent have received what they really wanted. Surprisingly, despite extensive usage, the device is yet to suggest any customer order a pizza with a topping of “happiness”, “human contact”, or “love”.

h/t Washington Post.