Will Ferrell Crashed ‘The Tonight Show’ As A Surfer Bro Santa And Aggressively Sang Smash Mouth

Will Ferrell is physically incapable of doing a normal interview.

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Love him or hate him, you have to admit Will Ferrell is a genius when it comes to promo interviews. Dodging all the awkward small talk and bypassing the tacky games, he instead opts to fuck around with his old SNL buddy Jimmy Fallon and hijack whole Tonight Show segments in weird comedic character while refusing to answer to his own name.

Earlier this year, he advertised his new film about an uptight hedge fund manager going to jail by dressing as Lil’ Debbie (the mascot of a US sweets snack company) and forcing chocolate snack cakes into people’s mouths. Overnight, he rocked up in board shorts and a fluffy vest with blonde, spiked hair and declared himself the new Santa before crankin’ out a tune from “this new band [he’s] into”, Smash Mouth. It was to promote his new film with Mark Wahlberg, Daddy’s Home.

Later on in the show he chose to momentarily break character to give Jimmy’s one-year-old daughter a DVD of Law and Order: SVU‘s eighth season, and then marched into the audience and awkwardly fed an adult woman a meatball. He is magnificent.