
What The Movies Get So Wrong About Young Adult Life

It's not as easy as they make it look.

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Some of our all-time favourite films have also been some of our all-time let downs. Movies like Mean Girls, The NoteBook and SuperBad have felt somewhat relatable to our young adult lives but there’s always a lot missing.

When we mistakenly compare ourselves to these idealised, fictional ways of life, it’s only going to disappoint us. The following are just a few examples of stuff that doesn’t quite stack up to reality.


Films and TV shows, comedies specifically, make drugs seem like an everyday occurrence. Which is fine, you do you, but in reality, it would take a huge toll on our health.

Yes, we’ve been warned about excessive drug use over and over in PE class, by Healthy Harold and our parents, but young adult comedies are notorious for glorifying drugs and their effects. Do they show the after effects of the consumption of drugs in Workaholics? Or Broad City? No, because it’s a comedy series made for our entertainment, but unfortunately, it normalises this behaviour.

It’s risky watching drug-themed comedies that create an idea of drug use as something so casual. It may look funny on screen but in reality, we need to consume drugs in moderation.


Like porn, films can make sex seem like something it really isn’t. In our classic rom-coms where boy meets girl, they fall in love and have sex for the first time at the perfect moment of their relationship. It seems all lovely – there’s candles and music and so much passion – but in reality, it’s far from perfect.

Planning the timing with someone special almost never works out e.g. ‘the three month rule’ or the ‘wait after ten dates rule’. And don’t even get me started on one night stands – I guarantee less than half of your average one night stands were actually decent.

Sex isn’t supposed to be a magical, fireworks moment every single time. You’re not doing it wrong if it doesn’t look like the movies.


Why is it that in films it always seems so easy landing the job or career of your dreams? It’s bloody hard in real life.

Take The Devil Wears Prada for instance – Andy Sachs was nowhere near the type of candidate “Runway magazine” desired, however her little speech about a disinterest in fashion somehow lands her the job as the Editor in Chief’s assistant. In reality, you’d need a degree, internship references and connections in the field. Also actually liking the industry is usually looked upon pretty favourably by employers.

Uni Life

This is one of the biggest lies shown on the Hollywood screen. It seems that uni life or “college” life is full of parties on campus, multiple flings with other students and other crazy experiences. This could be true for some here in Aus, but due to the Americanisation of these college films, uni life in Australia is far different.

Mostly, it’s us trying to get in and out of our classes quickly and maybe catch up with a couple mates from our tuts or lectures for coffee or study. There’s maybe a few on-campus parties and mixers, but that’s about it for most of us.


Has anyone else noticed how films put friendships on some huge pedestal? How is it that the best friends of the main character are able to pull of a major surprise party last minute or fly across the world to see them without even thinking twice about the airfare?

Well, because it’s a movie, not real life, and we should realise that our mates are just as broke and busy as we are in reality. Try not to complain if your best friend doesn’t give you a 21st pressie that’s worth hundreds or if they don’t down that guy for you that you’re madly in love with like you expected. Be thankful if they get you your next coffee, especially in a large. Now that’s a true friendship.

(Lead image: Perks Of Being A Wallflower/Summit Entertainment)