Watch Tina Fey Ditch Her Last Fancy Dress In Honour Of David Letterman

It's all slankets and night cheese from here on out.

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After 33 years behind the desk, David Letterman now has just ten days left on The Late Show and things are getting pretty sad. Every second show comes packed full of nostalgic clips from the ’90s, long-time guests like Steve Martin are offering video tributes, and when he sat down with President Obama the pair talked about the long and adorable retirement they’ll soon have together.

But, last night, Tina Fey took a different tactic and livened everyone up by whipping off her dress. On the surface it seems like a strange move from the outspoken feminist — one which actually already been criticised — but she does have her reasoning behind it. First: as Letterman’s the most respected late-night host in the biz and the only one Fey “conforms to gender norms” for, she sees no reason to dress like Kate Middleton anymore. Second: why shouldn’t she be proud of her Spanx?

If she’s really playing charades in a slanket the next time she’s on Fallon, this will have been the start of a revolution.

In case you’d like to hear the stuff she said while still wearing clothes, here she is calling the Met Ball — last week’s prestigious gala where Rihanna dressed like an omelette — a “jerk parade”.  <3