Trevor Noah Endorses Donald Trump For President On ‘The Daily Show’

“Donald Trump is presidential. He just happens to be running on the wrong continent.”

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US presidential candidate Donald Trump might be leading in a lot of polls right now, but there are still many Americans who believe he is unfit to be president. Anti-Trumpers say the reality TV-starring billionaire is egotistical, xenophobic and sexist. But these traits are exactly what make him ripe for presidency — if he’s running in Africa, said Trevor Noah on The Daily Show last night.

“Donald Trump is presidential,” said Noah, who is originally from South Africa. “He just happens to be running on the wrong continent.”

“For me, as an African, there’s just something familiar about Trump that makes me feel at home.”

Comparing soundbites of Trump’s infamously cringy statements about immigration, his “certain intellect” and financial blessings to those of current South African President Jacob Zuma and former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, we see some remarkable similarities.

We also see what Trump would look like dressed in the typical African presidential garb and oh my god that’s what the next leader of the free world looks like.