
Pass It On: Adele’s ‘Hello’ Meeting Mrs Doubtfire’s ‘HEL-LOOOOO!’ Is A Tiny Sliver Of Purest Gold

This deserves to be loved with the fire of a thousand suns.

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A caveat: this is, quite literally, a two-second video. Normally, a two-second video wouldn’t be worth a whole article in illustrious and well-respected new media outlet Junkee dot com. We have rules about such things. But there are times for rules to be obeyed, and there are times for rules to be broken.

This is one of those times.

I could’ve chosen to publish this under a pseudonym, but I didn’t. I am proud to have my name associated with this, however tangentially. I love this tiny snippet of wonder with a fire I didn’t know I possessed, and I’ll be damned if I apologise for it. Do your worst.