
Oh This? Just A Quick Video Of Justin Bieber Weeing Into Someone’s Mop Bucket

And swearing about Bill Clinton, for some reason?

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I won’t pretend I know a damn thing about what it’s like to be a child star. I can only assume that it’s harder than it looks. Aside from the daily demands on your time that come hand-in-hand with your career — writing, recording, practice, concerts, press — there’s the very real pressure that comes with a certain level of fame.

That pressure is exacerbated when, denied a normal childhood, you lack the maturity to handle it. So on top of all the other stuff you have to do as a 19-year-old, there are people to spit on, a monkey to neglect, a gas mask to wear, paparazzi to assault, a mop bucket to wee in, and a portrait of Bill Clinton to spray with a bottle while inexplicably swearing, “Fuck Bill Clinton”.

According to TMZ, the footage was recorded earlier this year as Justin Bieber and his friends left a club through a restaurant exit in New York. Bieber needed to pee and, egged on by his friends (who apparently refer to themselves as “The Wild Kidz” as if that is a cool thing to do, to name your friendship group that), chose the nearest mop basket as his security guard watched on.

What even did Bill Clinton do to Justin Bieber? It must have been pretty bad.

At least he’s trying to make amends…
