
Neko Case Slams Playboy: “Don’t Peggy Olsen Me, Motherfuckers”


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In the best twitter beef since Kanye versus Jimmy Kimmel, Neko Case has spent a decent chunk of the weekend taking potshots at archaic jiggle-rag Playboy, who published an incredibly condescending feature on the former New Pornographers (I know, right?) singer. The piece appears to have been cobbled together from old interviews and with no input or co-operation from Case herself, but it does makes it clear that Case really is a remarkable specimen: she’s not only a woman in music, but an old woman in music. Despite her fathomless oldness, she writes songs about, y’know, the squidgy bits. So brave.

Case’s lauded ability to “dance around gender archetypes”, though, is not enough to see her avoid Tim Grierson’s broad, sticky stereotype brush. Case’s response to the piece was typically forthright, all righteous fury and ALL CAPS truth-bombs. Better yet, she’s been (mostly) patient with the ‘learn to take a compliment’ brigade, explaining why a patronising pat on the head isn’t particularly flattering.

Scroll on for the best bits of the (pretty much completely) one-sided exchange:

But the best tweet came with an allusion to Mad Men. In last week’s episode,  Pete Campbell “complimented” Peggy in a very Pete Campbell-like way — “You know that she’s every bit as good as any woman in this business!” — and Neko is ON IT.

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