
We Need To Talk About The Power Rangers’ New Costumes

Now we know what would it look like if Iron Man procreated with a whole lot of gummy bears.

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Oh good, another reboot and this time it’s Power Rangers.

This movie was announced in 2014 and is set for a release next year. Directed by Dean Israelite, the rangers themselves will be played by mostly newcomers, with Brian Cranston and Elizabeth Banks on board as supporting characters — but, like any film, we have no idea whether it will flop or flourish until a trailer drops or the film itself hits screens. In the meantime, all we have to go on is a few pictures — both of which include the modern re-imagining of the iconic costumes.

The latest image was released today, and is a close up so we can see the actors’ faces and get more of an idea of the texture of the costumes. Turns out they’re made out of Bifröstthe rainbow bridge from Thor, and adorned with space itself. They are also very, very shiny, so we can assume that the bulk of the plot will be taken up by real-time costume maintenance storylines, with tie-in merchandise including large vats of polish.

The other image was released earlier this year, allowing us to all finally get an answer to the question: what would it look like if Iron Man and a whole lot of gummy bears procreated. The two female rangers, Pink (Naomi Scott) and Yellow (Becky Gomez) are posed at three quarter angles so as to maximise amorous ogling potential of their boob armour. The Black, Red and Blue rangers are literally Tony Stark if he ran out of maroon paint and just went with whatever was in the garage.


Please, think of the chaos you’re all going to cause at conventions next year. The Tony Stark cosplayers are going to get all mixed in, and boom, you’ve got a re-creation of Iron Man 3 on your hands which is a fate nobody deserves.

Either way, Danger 5 did it better.