
Did Moby Just Predict The Sudden Resignation Of Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser?

Um... yes.

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This morning Moby posted some weird stuff about US politics on Facebook that made him sound like a wild conspiracy theorist. It also drew a lot of heat from his fans.

“After spending the weekend talking to friends who work in [Washington] DC I can safely (well, ‘accurately’…) post the following things,” he wrote, before posting a series of statements about Donald Trump’s presidency.

He claimed the infamous Russian piss-gate dossier was “100 percent real” and that Trump was planning to go to war with Iran. He also said that the Trump government had been in “collusion” with the Russian government “since day one” and that “intelligence agencies around the world, and here in the US, are horrified by the incompetence of the Trump administration, and are
working to present information that will lead to high level firings and, ultimately, impeachment.”

“I’m writing these things so that when/if these things happen there will be a public record beforehand,” he said.

It all sounds a bit out there. After all, we’re talking about Moby, not Edward Snowden. How did he access this info? Why does a New York DJ have access to highly sensitive intelligence from alleged sources in Washington DC?

Some of his fans didn’t take to it very well. “Oh Moby… Okay, so Trump wants a war with Iran and is in collusion with the bad, bad Russians? Iran is a a close partner / friend of Russia since ages. Come on, dude: Make music and stay out of politics. You are not good in that. You are just making a fool out of yourself,” the top rated Facebook comment read.

But Moby wasn’t deterred. A little while later he tweeted this:

“Most of the info I reference is of public record, or will be relatively soon,” he said. Hold onto this bit. Particularly the “relatively soon” part.

Then he posted a picture of a clown on Facebook, with the caption: “Hey, I’m just a clown. I mean, maybe there isn’t a Trump administration plan to go to war with Iran. And maybe Trump’s inner circle isn’t filled with Russian operatives…. Just don’t look too closely at Flynn and Manafort and the USS Cole and the Russians who’ve disappeared or died recently and what’s currently happening in the Ukraine. Again, I’m just a bald clown who probably knows nothing. I’m going to go make some balloon animals now.”

I know it all sounds very cooked, but bear with me.

Let’s summarise what Moby has actually alleged so far. He thinks that there’s a collusion going on between upper echelons of the Trump administration and the Russian government. He thinks that US intelligence agencies have evidence of this collusion. He thinks that it could involve Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s National Security adviser. And he thinks it could all be on the public record soon.

But why do we care about Moby’s ravings? Check out this headline from The Guardianjust four hours after Moby’s clown post.


Holy shit. The same Michael Flynn that Moby named as a potential Russian operative just resigned over actual links to Russia. This is some Bourne Identity level stuff. Time to hit play on this one:

Why Did Flynn Resign?

It turns out that Flynn, Trump’s key national security adviser, had been having secret conversations with the Russian Ambassador. One of the topics they discussed was apparently the potential lifting of US sanctions against Russia.

The US Justice Department tried to warn Trump that these backdoor conversations meant that Flynn was potentially a blackmail target, but the president stuck by him.

In his resignation letter Flynn said he had “inadvertently briefed the vice-president and others with incomplete information regarding [his] phone calls with the Russian Ambassador”. So basically he had secret conversations with a foreign government and lied to his bosses about what he discussed.

The Flynn allegations were first published by The New York Times and The Washington Post last week, and it’s not clear why he decided to quit today. It could simply be that the Trump administration wanted to deal with the issue and make it go away, or perhaps more information about Flynn’s Russian links is about to come to light.

Back To Moby

It’s possible that Moby’s Facebook posts were based on publicly available information. After all, some of the allegations had already been written about it. But no one predicted Flynn’s sudden resignation at about 11pm Washington DC time.

Nobody except Moby of course, who wrote this morning that information would come to light leading to “high level” firings.

Moby. Who the fuck knew?