Larry David Adds Proof To The Theory He’s Actually Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

His SNL impersonation was pretty, pretty, pretty good. But have you ever seen them both in the same room?

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Though he’s served as Senator of Vermont for almost a full decade, for many, Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders has come up from nowhere — a dorky old grandpa who decided to impulsively rant his way into the White House after catching the wrong bus to the supermarket.

The official reason behind this relative anonymity is that he’s not big on personality politics. Sanders has spent his career rallying against corporate greed, fighting for the lower-and middle classes, and developing unashamedly progressive policy for his home state. In service of this, he regularly dismisses talk of his (or other politicians’) personal lives and refuses to run any negative coverage of his opponents — but this results in him rarely being given mainstream media attention.

The unofficial reason behind this relative anonymity is that he’s actually Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David. The evidence is equally as compelling:

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(via a full investigation from Vice)

Though there’s an undeniable physical resemblance, this theory has really developed over the last few weeks as Sanders has upped his public appearances. In the lead-up to the first Democratic Debate, he went on talk shows and danced with Ellen. And, through all this, people couldn’t help but notice some further proof: Sanders sounds exactly like Mr Steinbrenner, George Castanaza’s boss from Seinfeld who was also voiced by Larry David.

For further proof of this, some people even spliced the voices together proving just how indistinguishable they really are:

Now, this has reached a critical mass. In his first appearance on the show in 30 years, Larry David has returned to Saturday Night Live to “impersonate” the Democratic candidate. Alongside fellow alum Alec Baldwin as Jim Webb and current player Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton, David pulled off a faultless portrayal of Sanders.

It included a rant about pens being tied to desks at banks, some wisdom about ducks liking ponds, an admission that he owns one pair of underwear he dries on an old radiator, and some joyful yelling about THE REVOLUTION. It was great.

Incidentally, Bernie’s been presented with all this before. Around this time last year some presenters brought it up his likeness to David on Bloomberg Politics and the Senator looked ready to burn the whole studio to the ground.

Now, he’s given into it. In an interview this morning, he officially endorsed the performance saying, “I think we’ll use Larry at our next rally. He does better than I do”. Then he went on and joked with reporters about buying his second pair of underwear.

Importantly, there’s one question he’s yet to answer: