John Oliver’s Gone After New Zealand PM John Key For Pulling Women’s Ponytails Because Life’s Great Sometimes

"John Key can't pass any dangling hair without pawing at it! He's more cat than Prime Minister!"

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Last week the revelation that New Zealand Prime Minister John Key (which, true fact, is how you say “Junkee” in New Zullund, probably) likes to randomly pull women’s hair for some fuckin’ reason made international headlines, raised the eternally-vexed question of whether New Zealand actually exists and was a welcome break for Australians looking to laugh at someone else’s head of state for once.

Being one of the world’s more ridiculous events for that particular week, the wonderful possibility that Last Week Tonight‘s John Oliver might pick it up and splash around in the sheer absurdity of it like the joyous British imp he is was almost too good to hope for. Now all our wildest dreams have come true. We are truly blessed.

The best part, besides the bit where the waitress wanted to punch the Prime Minister of New Zealand in the face, was the part where John Oliver makes the cat-pawing motion, because any John Oliver segment where he makes the cat-pawing motion is a good John Oliver segment, people. You know it.