Alec Baldwin Debuted His Donald Trump Impression On ‘SNL’, And It Was Glorious

Kate McKinnon also nailed the smug Hillary shimmy.

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It’s a frustrating fact that living in Australia means that we rarely get to see the viral Saturday Night Live videos that seem to delight and entertain the majority of the internet. Thankfully, a clip of SNL‘s version of the first 2016 U.S presidential debate has been made available to us, a situation even more blessed because it features the debut of Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump impression.

Baldwin is flawless and terrifying. Kate McKinnon, as always, is impeccable as Hillary Clinton desperately trying to stress how relatable she is (“Donald Trump has cheated workers, like my own human father.”). Well done everyone, well done.

Apparently it was Tina Fey who suggested that Baldwin was the best person to play Trump, which means we have another thing to thank her for.


Thank you.