
A Man, His Swiffer And The Owl That Sat Upon It Is A Story For The Ages

(And a pretty excellent YouTube series, too.)

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Part One: Owl In My House

In which our protagonist Colton Wright encounters an owl hanging above his kitchen sink.

If you watch the first few seconds carefully, you will notice the owl’s menacing expression belies his intention to freak the shit out of the homeowner by flapping around the room. Much shrieking and hysterics ensue.

Part Two: The Owl Whisperer

The second part in this short series was filmed forty minutes after the first, leaving a substantial gap of undocumented interaction between the man and the owl, which we can only assume was filled with more of the same.

In part two, Colton maneuvers both a phone camera and a Swifferâ„¢, onto which he has coaxed the owl. The drama reaches its peak at 0:15, when the owl engages in alarmingly combative and unbroken eye contact, which grows in intensity until the film’s climactic end.