
5 Reasons Why Tutoring Is The Most Amazing Student Job

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When it comes to student jobs, there seems to be two main pathways: retail or hospitality. But here’s something you might not have considered: tutoring.

It’s a job that many students write off as unnecessary mental strain, and they might have a point; who wants to help with other people’s assignments when you’ve got so much academic work on your own plate? But, let me assure you that there’s so much more to it than that. You might find that tutoring will benefit more than just academically struggling kids (and your bank account).

#1 Boosting Your Own Academic Achievement

Despite what you might think, tutoring isn’t just about explaining the quadratic formula or proofreading essays about British imperialism. It can also involve teaching students about time management, exam strategy, and essay writing.

By practising these skills constantly with your students, you’ll find them becoming second nature in your own studies too. If you’re working in a company, most likely your co-workers will also have some study strategies to share.

Additionally, building this network of extremely (intimidatingly) smart young people around you can instil some healthy academic competition, and give you the motivation you need to work harder for those elusive 7s/HDs.

#2 Resume Building

Tutoring can offer you more than just a line on your resume. It’s a harsh fact of the workforce that a lot of the time, employers make assumptions about you based on your previous employment. A stint as a tutor will tell them that you have those all-important interpersonal skills, you’re a great communicator, and best of all, you really know your stuff.

#3 Flexible Hours

Balancing your work life with your uni schedule can be an absolute nightmare, especially if your boss refuses to acknowledge that your studies are an important part of your life and your future career.

In this respect, tutoring companies make the absolute best employers, because they understand better than anyone that academics are important, and will make a conscious effort to roster your clients around your existing commitments.

#4 Making A Difference

You’re most likely familiar with those sappy testimonials: my tutor helped me achieve my dreams, they changed my life, blah blah blah. You probably rolled your eyes at it all. But here’s the kicker – most of the time, they’re true. You might remember those days when school felt like your entire world, and a failing grade seemed like a life-or-death scenario.

When a student feels like they’re drowning in the icy, unforgiving sea that is high school, a tutor can be that unoccupied door that floats by to save Kate Winslet’s life. Helping them to achieve that final grade they want, and knowing that they are genuinely grateful for you, is the best kind of customer service you can give. It would warm even Jack’s frozen heart. (Too soon?)

#5 Lasting Connections

This is perhaps the cheesiest thing you’ll have heard since you last saw a Katherine Heigl movie, but it’s a fact. In a lot of cases, tutors and their students, especially long-term students, will form genuine friendships. Even after they no longer need you (in a Nanny McPhee way, not in a harsh personal rejection way), you might still get that regular message or life update that will give you a hit of the warm fuzzies.

Tutoring might be a little more mentally taxing than your customer service job, but you’ll get a whole lot more out of it than just a weekly pay check in your email inbox. So get out there and get that big ol’ brain to work!

Stacey is a University of Queensland Journalism and Arts student. She is well-versed in existential crises, Netflix binges and the literary works of J.K. Rowling.

(Lead image: Presidio of Monterey/Flickr CC)