
5 Apps To Help You Finish Your Assignments Faster

Pls get us through this fresh hell.

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Exam and assignment time is upon us. How unbearably excellent, right? How awesome!

Jk jk, we’re all unbelievably stressed and counting down the days until this fresh hell is over so we can lie on the beach and drink margaritas.

But seeing as this fresh hell isn’t over just yet, we have to find a way to deal with it. Enter: productivity apps! Being productive means you do more, faster (i.e. getting you closer to margarita time). Here are some of the best to download ASAP.

#1 Dragon Dictation

Do you ever feel like instead of writing your essay, you want to close your eyes and chat a lot of bullshit instead? Well, Dragon Dictation is the app for you!

Dragon will literally record and dictate everything you say to it. And then afterwards, you can go in and correct all of the mistakes and format it how you like. It’s almost… the perfect app.

How much: Free

#2 Cite This For Me

References are pure torture. Truly the worst part about doing any sort of assignment. That’s why if you haven’t started using Cite This For Me, you’ve absolutely been playing yourself.

You can select the referencing format you like, dump in the info you have and it’ll generate a perfect bibliography list for you. Sunglasses emoji.

How much: Free

#3 Focuslist

Focuslist is like a hybrid of a to-do list and a productivity timer. You put in the different tasks you need to do and in what order you’d like to complete them. Then, you do each task for 25 minutes, with a five-minute break.

It’s based on the Pomodoro technique, a productivity hack that’s been used by successful people for bloody ages. Focuslist is good to break up your tasks in easy-to-complete segments, and the regular breaks will keep you feeling alert AF.

How much: $7.99

#4 Grammarly

Spell check is great but it often fails to catch the nuances of everything we write. Grammarly is a Chrome extension that not only picks up your typos but suggests different ways to structure your sentences. It helps with a bunch of stuff like figuring out if words need dashes or where a comma is supposed to go.

Like a sweet, invasive grammar guardian angel.

How much: Free

#5 Forest

So now’s the part where we turn to straight up guilt to get you to focus and not slack off. Forest is a Chrome extension and app that will plant a tree according to how much focus you put in within a set time period. If you sway away from your task, the tree dies.

The tree dies, fam. Don’t kill the tree.

Oh my god :'(

Whenever you try to go on a blacklisted site like Facebook or Twitter it reminds you that your tree is still growing. It also gives you some weird threats like, “Stop surfing the web!” and “Don’t get too distracted!”

Forest kind of scares me, tbh.

How much: Free

Good luck with your assignments and exams, team. We’re praying for you.

(Lead image: New Girl/FOX)