
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Just Stuffed Up The Name Of The Canadian PM Too

Malcolm Trumble was just the beginning.

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For the love of God, how does Sean Spicer still have a job?

On Tuesday, the White House Press Secretary told reporters that President Trump had “an incredibly productive set of meetings and discussions with Prime Minister Joe Trudeau of Canada.” Which is weird, because I could have sworn that the Canadian Prime Minister’s name was “Justin”.

The internet took all of about two seconds to pick up on the mistake, and can I just say that it’s moments like this that make me glad that Twitter is a thing.

Spicer’s latest gaffe comes less than two weeks after he mistakenly called Malcolm Turnbull “Mr. Trumble”. Could it be that the White House has grown tired of negging us and has moved on to someone younger and more Canadian? Bit heartbreaking tbh. Although really, can you blame them?