
An Ode To University Open Days, The Unsung Heroes Of Successful Careers

Brought to you by Torrens University Australia

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If your career is one long, challenging test of endurance, Open Day is the can of Red Bull you crack open before you set off.

It’s the entrée before the main course. The “sweet birthday” before the “baby”. The chef’s kiss before the molto bene. AKA: it’s the first step. It’s just not right to miss it.

Considering you’re going to be spending three to four to five (hello, law students) years at a university, plus however many in your chosen field of study, it’s pretty darn important to get that first box ticked. In fact, attending your Open Day (and doing it right) is one of the oft-forgotten ways to set out on a happier, sturdier career path.

Here are a handful of very good reasons why your uni’s Open Day is there to set you up for a success.

You Can Ask Detailed Questions

Bless them, but uni websites can only go so far. We have no doubt you’ve got loads of specific questions about course material, best places to eat on campus, which professors are ‘lax on deadlines, and whether you opt for morning or afternoon classes.

The ins and outs of being a uni student will come over time, but asking current students about their routines, thoughts, and opinions will give you a much-needed step up.

Explore Career Options You Didn’t Even Know Existed

If you’re thinking you should give Open Days a miss because you’re not even sure you wanna go to uni, then you’ve completely misunderstood what they’re there for. Open Days are most helpful for anyone who’s a little unsure. Where else will you get access to students, teachers, course outlines, example classes, and pamphlets galore?

Take advantage of your uncertainty and head to Open Day with an open mind.

Learn About Study Abroad

Student exchange is one of the most exciting and rewarding parts of completing a uni degree. At an Open Day, you can chat to the study abroad team about where you can go around the world, which courses are eligible and how much it will all cost.

Because, while it’s exciting to start first year thinking you can jet off at any moment, the application process takes a while. As does saving money, figuring out where you want to go, and double-checking all your course requirements. If you get the lowdown straightaway, you’ll be on a plane sooner, and more prepared, than if you fumbled your way around in the first semester.

Get A Feel For The Campus

You’ll be training, bussing, walking, or driving there three to four times a week for a good few years. You want to make sure your uni campus is the right fit.

See how far the commute is, suss out the campus life, and wander through the library. Ask yourself honestly if you can see yourself spending large chunks of time here. It’s OK if it’s too far or the people seem like a bit of a drag – that’s what trying things out is all about. On to the next one!

Meet A Person Or Two

There’s a pretty high chance that the person next to you at an Open Day is in the exact same position – scared, curious, confused, hungry. You don’t have to ask them to get a slice of pizza with you or anything, but take the opportunity to say a quick hello and look out for their familiar face come semester one. One familiar face is better than none.

Manage Your Expectations

We all fall into the habit of romanticising our future. It’s normal to focus on the potential good bits – like holidays, if you want to be a teacher – and forget the questionable ones – like having to be around kids, if you want to be a teacher.

Do yourself a favour and try to approach the course you’ve been thinking about realistically. No university course is all fun and games – even Theatre or Visual Arts degrees are riddled with complex theory – so attending Open Day can safeguard you against possible disappointment. Ask about the challenges as well as the benefits of the course you’re interested in.

And after you’ve done your asking and you’ve eaten all the free food, don’t worry if you still haven’t made up your mind. There’s still plenty of time to mull things over and come up with a plan that works best for you. For now, you’re armed with as much knowledge as practically possible. Job done.

(Lead image: Tim Gouw / Unsplash)

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