
Twitter Has Been Overwhelmed By A New Fad: “Hodor Posting”


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Brands and companies on Twitter are mysteriously sharing one-word self-descriptors; seemingly in solidarity with a blunder made by an American rail company.

If you’re terminally online like this humble reporter, you’ve probably noticed a strange pattern of tweeting today, as the Twitter accounts of everything from state police services to pizza restaurants participate in a bizarre trend of sharing descriptive one-word tweets.

While brands adopting internet lingo as a sneaky attempt to relate to customers is nothing new, users initially struggled to understand why the hell this new crazy was suddenly en vogue. Is minimising character counts on Twitter now a cool and hip thing to do?

It seems that the Twitter account we can blame for this short-descriptor sensation is none other than American rail service Amtrak, who appears to have the closest claim of being the source of this crappy fad.

A silly and honest mistake, or a sneaky social media strategy? Without interrogating Amtrak’s social media department, we may never know. Despite whatever the original intent (or lack thereof) may have been, there’s no doubt that people are taking this thing far and wide with full commitment to the bit.