
Study Tips I’ve Learned From Hermione Granger

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Mid-semester exams got you feeling a little lost and blue? Fear no more.

Hermione Granger study motivation coming right up! Who better to inspire you than the original smart girl herself?

#1 Take Pride In Your Academic Work

The inspiring Hermione Jean Granger taught me to never be ashamed of the overly-organised, assignment-loving nerd that I am and will always be. Don’t let others’ negative opinions or their lazy attitude distract from your work ethic. Be proud of your efforts and results. You are intelligent and deserve to reap the rewards of hard work. Being smart will never go out of style.

#2 Make Uni A Priority

Hermione was often seen pulling out a textbook at social gatherings she was no longer interested in. If you want to be achieving High Distinctions in all assessments, then your academic work is going to need a place in your top priorities. This does mean saying no to a Facebook meme binge when you’re having difficulty understanding the second law of thermodynamics.

If you ever need clarification as to where to rank uni on your list of priorities, I’ll leave you with this inspiring (and rather hilarious) Miss Granger quote, “Now, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse, expelled.”

#3 Participate In Class

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Engage with your peers and teachers. Give things a guess. Make mistakes. Ask for feedback. You’re paying a pretty hefty fee to be enrolled in these classes anyway – may as well make the most of them!

Picture Hermione in Professor Snape’s first year class – her hand shooting up into the air after each of Snape’s questions. She had more force and enthusiasm than a child had ever before displayed in the history of education (muggle and magic).

#4 Do The Readings

Do. The. Readings. (Something I have possibly, maybe, occasionally, definitely chosen to ignore before). Having a decent understanding of the course content before coming to class can improve how much you’re getting out of your courses tenfold. Hermione always has her head stuck in a textbook, and it worked out well for her, didn’t it?

#5 Do Extra Reading

The queen of “light” reading was always borrowing out extra curricula books to learn as much as she could. Not only did she always complete the required readings but she also never stopped learning about any given topic until she had read everything that there was to read about it.

#6 Form A Study Group

Hermione was keen to be studying with Harry and Ron throughout the school year. Even though they were never as studious as her, she took that opportunity to test her own knowledge by teaching them the things they didn’t quite understand. Form a symbiotic relationship with your Harry and Ron – they will really appreciate the help and you get to quiz yourself!

#7 The Power Of Knowledge

If I could pick the most important thing that Hermione taught me about education, it’s the power of knowledge. Whether you think that class is relevant to your career or not, it is still knowledge that no one can ever take away from you. Your mind should be constantly growing, expanding, and making new connections and pathways – embrace it. What’s the harm in a banker who knows a few trivia points about the Roman Empire?

So, there you go. Build your study shrine to Hermione and go get those High Distinctions.

(Lead image: Harry Potter/Warner Bros)