The Kids (And The Monsters) Are All Grown Up In The ‘Stranger Things’ Season 3 Trailer

"We're not kids anymore."

Stranger Things season 3 trailer is here

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The Stranger Things kids are turning into the Stranger Things teenagers, and it looks both awkward and foreboding: a pretty decent summary of puberty imho.

“We’re not kids anymore,” says Mike. “I mean what did you think, we’d just sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?”

There’s lots of teenage shenanigans: malls, icecream shoppes, dancing to music, pools. It’s the eighties! 1985 to be specific.

There’s also some sinister hints of things to come: we’re introduced to the Mayor, which Buffy has taught me is probably a bad thing. There’s a Terminator looking fella with a silenced gun in a fun park. There’s the red lightning that precedes the Upsidedown. There is Steve banter.

There is a blurry guy in the shower, who has some kind of scary magic vein infection thing going on. Who is it? It doesn’t look like one of the kids, so it’s probably an older boy. Is the infection somehow related to the rats, who have been teased ahead of time in a tweet dropped by the Stranger Things account and presumably play a large part in the forthcoming madness?

There are toy robots, lightning, people in diving suits, slow motion, balletic shots and above all — huge squishy monsters.

The Duffer Brothers, the co-creators of Stranger Things have long teased that the third season will be gearing up towards an ending of sorts: they reckon that the show will bow out by its fourth or fifth season. And to be honest, a sense of growing, foreboding pathos does hang over the trailer — looks like one way or the other, things are going to be irreversibly changing in the lives of our young heroes. And we don’t just mean the establishment of a new mall.

Stranger Things season 3 drops on Netflix on July 4th!