An Actress Has Recreated Iconic ‘Sex And The City’ Scenes With Her Cat As Samantha

If Kim Cattrall is the only thing between us and a third S&TC movie, may we suggest a recasting?

Alexandra Kyle recreates iconic 'Sex & The City' scenes with her cat as Samantha

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Kim Cattrall’s Samantha is oft-imitated, rarely perfected — but actress Alexandra Kyle has discovered that her cat is up to the challenge, recreating a bunch of classic Sex & The City scenes with pinpoint precision.

Kyle, who you might recognise as the younger Judy Greer character in 13 Going On 30, was recently gifted a ‘cat wig’ by a friend, as documented on her TikTok. And so a star was born.

While Kyle’s first thought was to recreate fights from The Hills, and while her cat does have un certain je ne sais Conrad, the switch to S&TC is where the real magic happens.

Where Kyle’s lip-syncs of Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda are impressive (she really nails SJP’s physicality), we simply have to give it to the cat, whose unimpressed, nonchalant behaviour cuts to the core of things: why was this character even present in the other girls’ lives?

The scenes covered are classics: the post-it breakup; Aiden’s ugly engagement ring; Carrie telling Samantha about cheating with Big; and Carrie trying a dating service. It almost makes us want to do a rewatch.

If Cattral and SJP’s feud is the only thing in between us and getting Sex & The City: The Movie 3, may we suggest that this cat be considered for recasting? Find her show-reel below, and chuck Kyle a follow on TikTok for more to come.