‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ S14E8 Recap: Now That’s What I Call Music!!

Yes, we have found the Instagram of the hot back-up dancer.

rupaul's drag race s14e8 recap

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Fully accepting that we’ve never going to reach the pop heights of ‘UK Hun?’ ever again, Drag Race goes vintage (again!) for its girl group challenge, splitting our nine queens into three ’60s girl groups modelled off The Shangri-Las, The Ronettes and The Supremes.

And while these tracks might not make your Spotify Wrapped (or my much sadder Apple Music Replay), this was another challenge that made me realise this tail-end of the S14 cast are immensely talented. Last week there were no bottoms, this week could’ve been the same: if not for the ominous inclusion of Willow joking they were all going to bomb a challenge soon, I’d say there are few things this cast can’t do.

Ru and the judges disagreed though, sending Kerri Colby home after — at risk of completely contradicting myself — a pretty average time in the competition. But I’m sad to see her go, as Kerri’s auntie energy, immaculate runways (who CARES about seeing the top of some fishnets!) and generous spirit was a joy to watch.

It’s a little naff to say, but she’s really an inspirational figure — hearing her discuss her childhood a little more this episode, where she’d get smacked for humming pop songs, it only exemplified that she left behind a lot of hatred to live a life of love and kindness rather than let those traumas curdle her. (Well, I don’t actually know her, so that’s a stretch. But on the show, she embodied and put forward an empathy and kindness that clearly made an impact on so many of the queens, especially Jasmine.)  The fact Kerri didn’t nail any challenges is a reminder that queens’ talent or merit isn’t based off Drag Race‘s score-card — if only we could reach back and tell Daya that while they were filming.

How’s Your Sub-Headline? I’ve Never Had Any Complaints

Before the girls group, we get a reading challenge where almost everyone is really funny?? This is a really witty group, which is probably why I’m enjoying the season so much: there’s also a real sense of camaraderie, too, which always elevates the challenge from generic ‘you’re fat’ territory to genuine reads. A special shout-out to Lady Camden and Bosco — both queens just keep getting stronger and stronger.

Rather than have mini-challenge winner Bosco assign the groups, the queens are told to work it out themselves. The three tracks are all in the same universe, but a lot of people want to be in the more up-tempo ‘The Shangrulas’. Daya, in particular, flat out refuses to rock-paper-scissors or work out any way to fairly assign the roles. It’s a lot: again, I’m really not seeing a lot of the bubbly, fun-hearted Crystal Methyd in her!

Daya gets her way and is joined by Willow and Bosco after Jorgeous and DeJa give in and join Jasmine as ‘The Runettes’, while Lady, Kerri and Angeria take on Ru’s favourite band, ‘The Rupremes’. It’s the riskiest group but with the highest reward: Ru will fall in love with a good Diana Ross impersonation (remember when Bebe won a challenge for bouncing her wig up and down?), but there’s no faster way to disgrace yourself in her eyes than not getting it right.

The queens write their own lyrics and prep their own choreography, with, by coincidence, one ‘choreographer’ per group to lead the way. I say it in quotations because DeJa is a cheer coach for kids, and that’s kind of like when I tell people I’m a ‘journalist’: it’s technically true, but I mostly write about Drag Race/cigarette nonsense. Jasmine and Jorgeous are off it during rehearsals, but it mostly comes together — they have a few ‘stalker’ jokes but it feels a little first draft and underperformed/low-energy, especially from DeJa, who can barely do her own choreography.

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Beautiful wigs, beautiful wigs.

Jorgeous once again is so beloved by the show that it pokes her in the right direction, as Michelle gets her to whisper her lines instead of the tone-deaf singing she comes in with. It is absolutely favouritism, but I don’t care because she is also one of my favourties.

Unlike DeJa, Willow knows to not over-sell your skills on Drag Race, lest you fuck up and it becomes your narrative, so she doesn’t let anyone know she can choreograph. Like Jasmine says in a wonderfully overlaboured confessional (how long did it take her to write this one?), Willow must earn a lot of money at the casinos, because she holds her cards close to her chest. It’s week 8, she’s the clear front-runner and yet I find myself continually surprised by her. What a star, and her group is easily the best of the week as they make their song about being stalked by an ugly cruiser who then is hit by a bus. It’s, as Michelle says during recording, “actually funny”.

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Kings! Surprised the show had them first, given the other groups weren’t as fun.

Meanwhile, Lady Camden over-simplifies her group’s choreography for Kerri and Angeria’s “two white feet”, which comes back to bite her when she lands in the bottom three for not standing out in the performance.

I don’t necessarily disagree, but mostly because of my object impermanence around Lady Camden’s mug. There’s something so generic about it that hides the genuine uniqueness we’ve seen on the show (just last week!). The group’s lyrics don’t help, either, missing any sort of twists or jokes. They’re clearly the worst group even with Angeria, who is an amazing singer and nails the Ross energy, even if she’s not going for full impersonation.

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Honey ‘kaftan’ Mahoganey’s retroactive impact on The Supremes…

But the true star is this dancer, who the camera loves. Eyebrows you could nestle up in and have a little nap… mmm…. In a rare moment of growth, I’m not going to follow him on Instagram, but you can (the photo with his ‘wife’ is a joke fyi. Maybe I am a journalist…).

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Pictured, l to r: me, trying to cast a love spell through Instagram on @goatboykc

Heart On

This week’s runway lets the judges go off with some heart puns I truly cannot match (actually I totally could, if DRDUS3 wants to hire me as a writer….).

My top toots are Willow and Angeria, and my favourite judges’ comment from Ru was, “wait, Sia’s black?!?!?”, a joke that makes fun of all ‘who is Sia’ discourse, also known as ‘Ellen culture’.

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Willow’s mind!

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So odd, a little freaky, a little off… also how my fringe looks whenever I DIY.

Lady Camden looks great in her embellished outfit, Daya’s Haring-esque neon hearts fit is divine imo, though it does give a little ‘Newcastle mum about to see P!nk for the 7th time’.

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TFW the hubby is fed, the kids aren’t fighting for once and you have a night of witnessing ariel acrobatics in front of you.

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There’s something I really like about Lady Camden. I also think she wouldn’t really fit into the UK show, which is …interesting. (Is it?)

DeJa knows this look sucks; Bosco’s ‘white vampire shows hole’ is fun; Kerri looks gorgeous but is her heart on the wrong side of her body???; Jasmine continues to have questionable taste and Jorgeous continues to audition for the Savage x Fenty 2022 show.

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I see what they mean about the tights but I just… don’t care.

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I’m really excited to see where Jasmine’s drag is at when she’s like… 25…

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Short and simple isn’t a bad thing.

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Remember Max’s heart look in S7? Remember Max??? What could’ve been…

The judging is pretty odd, even by Drag Race standards. Daya finally nabs her win, which feels earned though it easily could’ve gone to Willow, Bosco or Angeria (but all three have wins already). It is a litte odd the show is ‘rewarding’ Daya’s brattish behaviour. I don’t mind her as much as others seem to, but I do think she’ll need a redemptive moment or three to get to the end of the show.

DeJa is in the top, which is perplexing to the point I’m wondering whether I just can’t be objective with her? Am I missing something? No, it’s the judges who are wrong.

Jasmine’s in the bottom for not quite nailing the feel and vibe of the performance (same with Lady Camden, who doesn’t have to lip-sync): I don’t really agree and think DeJa should be there with Kerri. But then we wouldn’t have gotten Jasmine dancing to Toni Braxton with just one heel on, after one flies off early into the number.

Her refusal to kick off her remaining heel is pure commitment to her fantasy: I can’t help but fall in love with Jasmine a little. She’s a very endearing person, and, as we know, a hell of a dancer. Kerri puts up a good fight, and even though she’s not great at challenges, I kind of wish she got to stay just for another week or two.

Next week, the show promotes DragCon as the queens do serious panels, kind of like All Stars 6‘s Pink Table Talk challenge. That was weird, and this one probably will be too.

RuPaul’s Drag Race S14 is available to stream in Australia on Stan, with episodes dropped each Saturday 3pm AEDT. 

Jared Richards is Junkee‘s Drag Race recapper, and a freelancer who writes for NMEThe Big IssueThe Guardian and more. He’s across the internet as @jrdjms