
Red Dead Redemption 2’s Outlaws Will Punch You Out If You’re A Jerk

Some people wander the land with contempt in their heart, adrenaline in their veins, and an unrelenting drive to start shit.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Outlaw Punch

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It turns out that, just like in real life, if you’re an insufferable jerk in Red Dead Redemption 2 someone will eventually punch you in the face.

Red Dead Redemption 2, an American frontier game in which you can pay your way out of a murder charge, immediately places the player amongst a found family of outlaws. The gruff, rough and tumble crew are fleeing law enforcement after an operation gone wrong, and must rely on each other in order to survive the wilderness during a harsh winter.

You’d think, that in these dire circumstances, everyone would make a concerted effort to be civil regardless of their interpersonal relationships, pulling together at least until the group is out of danger. And indeed, though often reluctant and begrudging, player character Arthur Morgan dutifully renders assistance where his fellow gang members require it.

However, as soon as the immediate urgency and snowy tutorial are over, players have free license to be a complete knob – a license some are eagerly utilising.

As you ride through the various fictitious US states and encounter various people, you can choose to greet or antagonise them – or rob them, if you truly don’t believe in Hell. And while you can’t rob members of your own gang of their personal belongings, you can rob them of their peaceful afternoon by antagonising them until they punch you out and dump your unconscious body outside the camp.

Apparently you get knocked out if you antagonize your gang too much. from reddeadredemption

I personally have never used the antagonise button. I don’t want to antagonise anybody. I am but a gentle mountain man, chasing down wild animals and accidentally punching my horse. I have no desire to provoke a fight – I’m already dealing with enough problems on my own.

But there are those out there who not only walk on the wild side, but revel in it. Those who respect the laws of no god nor man, who wander the land with contempt in their heart, adrenaline in their veins, and an unrelenting drive to start shit. Those who, when given the choice of being friendly or being a relentless arsenugget, will slam the dickhead button with joy and enthusiasm.

Talk shit, get hit.