
‘Pride And Prejudice And Zombies’ Is Going To Be An Absolutely Kickass Movie

"My daughters are trained for battle, sir, not the kitchen."

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The twentieth anniversary of the BBC’s iconic Pride and Prejudice remake just rolled by, which makes this somehow even more fitting. A film adaptation of the bestselling book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is in the works, and in a move of impeccable timing the cinematic trailer was just released, giving us our first proper look at the alternate-reality, post-zombie apocalypse Regency England world the remake is set in.

Featuring a kickass team of zombie-eviscerating Bennet sisters, Doctor Who‘s Matt Smith as a weeny pastor who hopefully gets eaten at some point, some suitably creepy undead in fancy dress and half the Lannister family from Game of Thrones in supporting roles, this movie is definitely going to crop up as a supporting text in high school English students’ essays before too long.