
TikTok Has Decided That Pitbull Is Actually Very Sexy

Pitbull, please make me Mrs Worldwide.

Pitbull is Sexy Tiktok

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Every few months, people gather together online to decide on the new collective internet boyfriend.

Last year it was Connell from Normal People. Before that, it was Timothée Chalamet and Tom Holland.  Michael B. Jordan in his Black Panther era was it for a time. But now we’ve reached a level no one thought could be reached. The internet has decided that it’s now Pitbull’s time to shine. Dale!

Yes, you read that correctly. Everyone’s favourite not-very-good-but-we-still-stan rapper has finally gotten the justice he deserves thanks to droves of people swooning over Mr Worldwide on TikTok.

I don’t really know how it all started, but fancams of Mr 305 have flooded the app in recent weeks. And even though the whole thing started off as a huge joke, people are actually starting to fall under Pitbull’s very sexy spell.

For those with taste, the sudden obsession with Pitbull’s good looks is really not all that surprising considering Mr 305 did land himself on the ‘Sexiest Men Alive’ list in 2013, according to PEOPLE. 

In 2013, Pitbull even took time out of his very busy schedule of shouting random words over EDM beats to offer the everyday man some solid advice on how to be sexy too.

“I think being sexy is about more than just looks,” Pitbull said, even though not being sexy is not a problem he faces. “In fact, I think you can be sexy without being good-looking.”

But Mr Worldwide didn’t stop there. He also explained that being a giving person and being chivalrous is the true key to what makes a person hot.

“A real man is a gentleman. You open her door. You let her order first. It’s a good way of showing that you care about making her happy. That’s sexy,” Pitbull shared another nugget of hot-man wisdom.

“It’s sexy to give back to the community in charities or good work. You should be obligated to motivate and inspire others. That’s priceless, and you should just be doing that as a human being.”

Honestly with such solid advice out in the world, it’s no surprise that everyone now either wants to have Pitbull or just wants to be Pitbull.

But for the naysayers, there has been one video that has managed to convince everyone to unironically join the Pitbull Is Actually Hot™️ team. The TikTok in question, created by Anh Nguyen, imagines what Mr Worldwide would look like with hair and a beard with the result being truly magical.

Serving Jared Leto-levels of looks, Nguyen’s 10-second video has already amassed over six million views and another 1.5 million likes in a week — and it makes sense why. Pitbull looks GOOD.

“Ain’t Mr Worldwide anymore. That’s Mr Universal,” one comment read. “At first I was like mhmm Pitbull as a joke. But bro, I don’t think it’s a joke anymore,” the comments continued.

“All of a sudden I’m Mrs Worldwide,” echoed another.

Honestly, I don’t blame TikTok for falling under Pitbull’s spell. How can you not fall in love with a man who seamlessly rhymes the word “Kodak” with “Kodak”? A sexy, bald genius if you ask me.

After all this, I think I’m finally ready to meet Pitbull at the hotel, motel holiday inn.