
The Song Of The Summer Is A Mash Up Of People Telling ScoMo To Get Fucked

"Morrison sucks because he sees the climate catastrophe as a marketing problem."

pauline pantsdown scott morrison bushfires song

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Every year one song rises above the rest to become the song of the summer, and right now this new release from Pauline Pantsdown might be a contender.

Truly, it’s amazing how well “tell the Prime Minister to go and get fucked” works as a chorus.

The video mashes together grabs from PM Scott Morrison’s ill-fated tour of Cobargo, where he was heckled by angry residents, snubbed by a local firefighter and filmed forcing a woman to shake his hand.

Set against a jazzy beat — the same one used in the Prime Minister’s tone deaf Liberal ad — the song also includes the viral vision of the Nelligen firefighters letting loose on ScoMo.

Pauline Pantsdown is a satirical political commentator and drag queen who emerged in the 90s as a parody of Pauline Hanson.

“Morrison sucks because he sees the climate catastrophe as a marketing problem, but he’s a failed marketing guy,” Pantsdown told Junkee.

“Also, he probably sees the whole thing as God’s punishment for people wearing rainbow rings and wants everyone to burn anyway, such a dilemma!

“I woke up yesterday thinking I wanted to do something with the horrible music from his Saturday video, and that’s what came out.”

It might not get the airplay it deserves, but it sure does a good job at summing up the sentiment of our country right now.