
Share Your Biggest Small Achievement & You Could Win A Monkey Shoulder Prize Pack

In 2020, no victory is too small.

Brought to you by Monkey Shoulder

The Whisky You Sorta Earned.

2020 has been the year for readjusting our expectations.

Nowadays, even the little wins feel pretty big — you know, stuff like putting on pants even though there’s no one home to see you. Or managing to keep a pot plant alive. Or exercising twice… in a month.

Monkey Shoulder is the whisky for when you’ve sorta earned one, so the folks there want to help us to celebrate those little achievements. So to salute that thing you kinda did, they’re giving away a bunch of Monkey Shoulder prize packs. To win one, you just have to share your biggest small achievement.

In 25 words or less, tell us about the little win you think deserves a bit o’ recognition in this very strange year. Did you get out of jury duty? Call your mum? Successfully parallel park? Or cook something that didn’t come in a microwavable tub? We want to know! Because right now, no victory is too small.


Tell us all about your win and don’t leave out any details, no matter how small. In return, Monkey Shoulder might bless you with a big ol’ pat on the back in the form of some delicious blended malt whisky and a bunch of other fun stuff. Because you deserve it. Sorta.

Lead image: / Pexels

You just read a whole article, you earned yourself some Monkey Shoulder.