
Everyone Is Roasting This LNP Senator Who Thinks Student Climate Protesters Need To Get Jobs

They're literally children.

LNP Senator James McGrath says student climate change protesters should get jobs

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On Wednesday, a bunch of school kids occupied the foyer of Parliament House in Canberra to demand meaningful action on climate change. So naturally, government senator James McGrath met with them and listened to their concerns made snarky comments about them on the internet

McGrath, a vocal supporter of the controversial Adani coal mine, tweeted a photo of the protesters and called them “selfish gits”.

“Just because these selfish gits don’t have jobs doesn’t give them a right to deny jobs for Queenslanders,” he wrote. “Parliament is for all Australians.”

I guess the Liberal Party is pro-child labour now? Weird.

While it’s true that there were some adults present at the protest, McGrath has still been roundly roasted for his remarks.