
Gen Z Is Spiralling Over The Existence Of Landline Phones

"It's actually working!"

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Gen Z is making everyone feel very ancient by sharing their awe at an ancient piece of communication technology, the humble landline phone.

Anyone born before the year 2000 has been made to feel hideously old today, as Gen Z’s across TikTok share videos showcasing their discovery of landline phone technology.

Yes, a generation that was collectively born with iPads in their mits appears to be struggling to grasp the existence of the analog, corded landline phone. Despite giving them a slight existential crisis, Millennials and Gen Y are attempting to play off the trend for laughs, baiting Gen Z into trying to use the “old phones” and filming the results.

“It’s actually working!” exclaims a youngster.

“Yeah… it’s a phone.” replies their non-plussed guardian.


Honestly, for all the technological minefields millennials and Gen Y have had to stumble through, the hazing of Gen Z on display here is definitely on the lighter side. If we really wanted to see someone’s head explode, they’d film a 15-year-old being presented with a landline phone with a rotary dial.

Despite this, people are taking to Twitter to mourn their descent into old age.

Yes, sadly Gen Z have been denied the pleasures of expensive three-way conversations with friends after school, and the nail-biting experience of having to navigate parental gatekeepers just to speak to a pal.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…