
Satirical Shows Like ‘Gen V’ Make Me Question Everything

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I’m always surprised by how much satire can make me question everything. Like hey, what if our politicians really were morally bankrupt and corrupt to the core? Or if people in positions of power were unapologetically biased and exploitative, instead of hiding within the systems that benefit them? So silly.

Gen V brings my worst fears about society to the fore. A spin-off to The Boys, the show continues its legacy of exploring what ‘real life’ would be like if superheroes were real. And it’s not pretty. But since it’s a glossy television show, the people sure are. Throw in ludicrous superpowers, political corruption, secret conspiracies — all set on a university campus with ridiculously beautiful Hollywood actors? Say less.

Image: Amazon Prime Video

“I feel hot,” says London Thor, when I asked how she felt about causing widespread bi-panic playing one half of Jordan Li, an Asian bi-gender student in Gen V.

“I mean, this was such a fun character to play, and I felt a lot of responsibility. We both took it very seriously and the writers took it very seriously and it was so taken care of, and so fun. Such a wild character to be able to play and it’s so unique.”

The series also puts menstrual blood front and centre with the origin story of our pained protagonist, Marie Moreau, played by Jaz Sinclair. Marie’s first period is well and truly part of how she discovers her powers, and you know what? That makes perfect sense.

“I think it’s beautiful,” Jaz explains.

“I think the symbolism of an inevitable part of womanhood being tragic and destructive and painful and shameful and emotional is weirdly relatable. I mean, obviously we didn’t all have that specific experience, but I do think that the feelings of dread in that moment and what all that means is real, and I love that the show, the writers had the boldness to show that and write that. I think it was really badass. We never see period stuff.”

Newcomer Asa Germann plays Sam Riordan, younger brother of Luke Riordan AKA Golden Boy, star of Godolkin University where Gen V primarily takes place. And Sam’s spiral into a certain subculture of the student body mirrors what can happen in real life when social isolation meets intense political propaganda.

“Seeing that happen [to Sam], I think you really get a sense of what it looks like when someone doesn’t necessarily have a strong social system around them, or an understanding of what the world’s like,” says Asa.

“In a show like The Boys and Gen V that obviously takes place in a fictional world… the themes are very grandiose as a superhero show. But it’s so grounded in such human reality and because of those themes, in the world that it takes place in, you’re really able to reflect so many current events and themes and values.”

The beauty of Gen V is that you don’t really have to think too deeply on it, if you don’t want to. At the end of the day, it’s a raucous, hilarious ride in a world of corrupt superheroes, shady politicians, cool fight scenes, and the occasional exploding penis. Sit back and enjoy.