
Four reasons why we’re totes addicted to trainwreck reality TV

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There’s nothing quite like watching people embarrass themselves on national television. We all love that dramz, especially when it comes to strangers getting Married at First Sight by ‘experts’ in the name of ‘science’.

Does that make us all terrible people? Probably. Here’s the real reason why you tune into every rose ceremony – and it’s not just because Richie’s fly AF.

Ordinary people can become famous (for better or worse)

Psychologists believe the thing that appeals to us simpletons most about reality TV is that we believe we can become famous for doing shit-all.

While it might not sound tempting to be known as ‘Bacon Girl’ or ‘Obsessed White Rose Chick’, apparently the dream of reaching celebrity status is what draws us to watching shows like The Bachelor.

Makes sense, we all just want to feel important. And if eating haggis with ten other girls competing with for the same man will achieve that, the heck with it.

Research says we’re probs narcissists

A study of 600 men and women found that people who watch reality TV are more likely to be self-absorbed, vain and narcissistic. Ouch.

Real Housewives and Keeping up with the Kardashians were two shows that were linked to higher levels of narcissism.

The good news is that researchers were unable to clarify if reality TV appealed to narcissists or if reality TV made people narcissistic. A question that plagues humanity…

We’re all sadistic AF

One of the main reasons that we watch reality TV, according to experts, is because we take pleasure in other people’s misfortune. No, really – we’re kind of assholes.

‘Schadenfreude’ is the term that explains why we revelled in the look of displeasure in Dave’s eyes when Jess walked down the aisle in Married at First Sight.  Or why we lost our shit when Keira was knocked over by Faith in a zorbing ball in The Bachelor

They make us feel superior

Another reason we apparently tune into reality TV is because the hefty backstabbing, bitching and betrayal makes us feel pretty damn good about ourselves.

In Married At First Sight, we pity those desperados for being lured into marriages with strangers. We feel sad for Craig when Andy loses his shit at their wedding and says ‘the day is dead’ to him because Craig’s ex is at the wedding. We reckon we’d never be so irrational in a high-stress environment where we can’t predict our emotional responses.

The train wreck that is reality TV probably reveals a whole lot of bad stuff about our character. Like the fact we take so much joy in watching people suffer and think that we’re better than the people who willingly sign themselves up for international humiliation.

Does that mean we’ll stop watching The Bachelor though? With Oshie's flawless hair? It'd be a travesty.

Eden Gillespie

Eden Gillespie is an International Studies/ Media student at UNSW with a love for breakfast bagels and Louis Theroux.

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