I Just Know All My Tech Nightmares Are Coming True In The New ‘Black Mirror’ Series


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After three years, Black Mirror is coming back for its sixth series in June and I doubt any of us are ready for it. I know I’m not.

I haven’t been right since that first Pig Amory episode. And I’m still somehow not finished with that interactive Bandersnatch movie even though I’ve been watching it two hours at a time every day for four years.

As with previous series, this one will most likely focus on some casual everyday technology we all take for granted and turn it against us, which is what all technology does eventually.

I don’t know anything about this season. All I’ve done is watch the teaser, which is more than enough.

Just look at this horrifying stuff…

There’s Nothing Scarier Than Reliving The Early 2000s

Cut To: Zazie Beatz gets sucked into the huge laptop and gets trapped in an NSYNC chatroom.

Salma Hayek Looks Like She’s About To Tell Me I’ve Been A Robot All This Time
Salma Hayek in a yellow jumpsuit in Black Mirror Series 6.

Whenever someone looks right into the camera on this show, they’re delivering bad news.

‘Hi I’m Here To Complain About My Online Shoe Order… Oh. I’ll Come Back Another Time.’

Look, I’m already not a huge fan of shoe shopping. All the trying on, the pressure to buy, constantly having to ask “Do you have this in bright gold?”…

And whatever is happening here with this woman is only going to make it harder.

This Looks Like It’s Related To Elon Musk Somehow

I keep having this dream where Elon Musk invites me up into space in one of his rocket ships and the whole time he talks my ear off about how “The Right” is being “Silenced”.

Haha Just Like The Apple Watch – But Evil

That’s a pretty good step count.

I’m a little concerned about the angry red pumpkin face though…

These Two Lovebirds Are Probably Robots Who Learn They Don’t Have The Capacity To Love

Feels like it could be a Robots Rights episode. AI isn’t just going to sit around and let us use it to write articles all day. It’s going to want a seat at the table.

‘I Miss You’? Delete

This looks like it should be a positive message, but it probably isn’t because text messages are all evil on this show.

A Dial Up Connection? I Can’t Handle This

If you can stomach it, here’s the whole teaser: