Two Guys Kissed On The Walking Dead And People On Twitter Were Real Jerks About It

Cannibalism's fine, but two men kissing's going too far, apparently.

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In a TV show about a group of people trying to survive the (probably inevitable) zombie apocalypse, you’d think people would be grossed out at the high levels of violence and gore, and not about two characters who had a bit of a pash. Apparently not.

In the latest episode of The Walking Dead, we see openly gay characters Aaron and Eric share a totally lovely, consensual kiss, taking advantage of a nice moment in a world of blood, guts, and brain-eating. Zombies can be pretty tough bananas and it’s pretty understandable that you might want to kiss your partner, especially when you thought they’d been ravaged by the undead.

The scene sent a lot of viewers into a frenzy, and probably made some fourteen-year-old boys take another four steps backwards into rampant homophobia. How dare they show people of the same sex kissing? Do they not know there are children watching? How will I explain this to my kids?

The Walking Dead is probably the most intensely violent show on TV at the moment, what with all the zombie-killing, beheading, severed limbs and entire plotlines revolving around cannibalism. There’s been no uproar about those things, so they’re probably easily explained to the kids that are apparently allowed to watch. Don’t eat people. Don’t stab people in the eye. Don’t embed a machete into the back of someone’s skull. Simple life lessons, really.

Aaron and Eric aren’t even the first characters in The Walking Dead that are openly gay, either. Don’t forget that Tara Chambler admitted that she’s into women back in season four, but because she never kissed another woman, there was very little reaction.

Despite the negativity on Twitter about the allegedly offending scene, there have been many who support the show’s inclusion of an openly gay character.  

Some jerks just don’t want queer people to survive the zombie apocalypse. I hope those people get picked off first.

Feature image via YouTube