
Just Some Tweets That Prove Australian Democracy Is An Utterly Depressing Dumpster Fire

"TFW your country is rooted."


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Hey! It must be a Tuesday, because Australia has just gone through another incredibly damaging leadership spill, this time with the potato-headed lord of the gulags Peter Dutton having a go at unseating old moneybags himself, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

It was an unsuccessful coup, and a mercifully brief period of spill fuckery, with Turnbull managing to hold on to power by the skin of his fancy fingernails. I’m sure more developments will come out, such as resignations, speeches, vows of revenge, etc.

Tony Abbott will say something.

We might even remember Bill Shorten exists. Who knows.

But it’s a ridiculously familiar scenario now. Who can even remember having a Prime Minister that actually served out their term, like the leaders of legend?

So, let’s all take a moment to reflect on how much of a roaring bin-fire our democracy is, and how awful it is to be lead by a government of pissbabies and snakes in ugly men suits, via various sad yet funny tweets by people.