
Scott Morrison Has Released Another Deeply Cringey Video In An Attempt To Seem Like A Human

It's like he thinks walking towards the camera makes his policies less horrific?

Scott Morrison's latest weird promotional video about stopping the boats.

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It’s 2019, and Scott Morrison’s staff are still allowing him to release videos where he waddles awkwardly towards the camera while bragging about his terrible, no-good policies.

I mean, what better way to signal that the Prime Minister has no policy direction than releasing a video of ScoMo literally walking in circles? We’d ask why he seems to have so much trouble managing to both walk and talk about his government’s abhorrent offshore processing regime, but we guess it’s hard to stay balanced when you’re leaning so far to the right.

In today’s Prime Ministerial video dispatch, Morrison slowly advances towards a camera that keeps moving further away, allowing the viewer to feel as if they are fleeing from the Liberal Party’s policies. Morrison assists by apparently doing everything he can to push the viewer away — he spends the video spruiking his government’s border and immigration policies, which he still seems to think are tops.

He then tells us that the Labor Party “have already voted in the Parliament to abolish offshore processing as we know it today”. This is a fairly vague statement, but if it’s referring to Labor’s recent vote in favour of speeding up the process to get kids off Nauru, then Morrison’s probably making a better case for his opponent than he is for himself. The state of offshore processing as we know it today, after all, is pretty appalling.

You can watch the awkward video in full below. By all means, have a laugh at ScoMo’s bizarre walk and terrible video strategy, but don’t let that distract you from the fact that the stuff he’s saying — and his actions — are pretty awful too.