
The Onion’s Review Of ‘Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again’ Is The Best Film Criticism Of 2018

"Audience members who don't have a stick up their ass will be dazzled by the flashy choreography and star-studded cast."

Mamma Mia

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Reviews are rolling in for the riotous juke-box musical Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again, and while most of them simply enjoy the very fun singing and dancing movie, there’s obviously going to be the usual mean-spirited, overly serious response from people who fail to experience the joy of the film. Luckily, The Onion has absolutely destroyed those poor prune-faced fools in their own review.

In an extremely funny and pointed roasting of serious film critics, The Onion starts off by describing Mamma Mia 2 as “a film you can either choose to enjoy for the perfectly fine piece of entertainment that it is, or live out the rest of your existence as a miserable kill-joy, who slogs through life recoiling at anything remotely joyful or upbeat in the world. Your choice.”

The Onion goes on to really roast people who aren’t able to just let something be an enjoyable romp that pays tribute to the music of ABBA.

“Audience members who don’t have a stick up their ass will be dazzled by the flashy choreography and star-studded cast,” they note. “Look, this film isn’t striving to be any more than what it is — 120 minutes of big name actors letting loose!”

Not only is The Onion perfectly skewering the kind of overly pretentious film wankers who will go out of their way to gleefully shit all over this film, but they’ve also done the only kind of review that this movie needs. It points out the film’s strengths, showcases some of the things you might enjoy and then… stops. As they say:

“So, how about keeping your world-weary critique or whatever the fuck to yourself. In fact, maybe if you dropped the pissy, holier than thou attitude and loosen up for a second, you could actually enjoy Mama Mia: Here We Go Again, you prick.”

Watch the whole video, it’s perfect.

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again is currently in cinemas.