
KYE Sucks: “I Can And Will Nap Multiple Times A Day”


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Melbourne pop artist KYE makes music that’ll get you dancing. Booming beats and effervescent vocals are the order of the day on her new EP, Ribena. Also, I really tried to stop myself writing what I’m about to here, but I couldn’t help it: this track’s just as sweet and refreshing as the blackcurrant-flavoured drink it was named after. (Feel free to tell me I suck – I probably deserve it for grabbing the lowest hanging fruit imaginable.) 

When KYE’s not making music that’ll slot nicely into your party playlist, she’s watching Say Yes To The Dress on YouTube and eating cheese like it’s going out of fashion. I do have to say, though: KYE’s propensity for driving in total silence is a head-scratcher. Where better to discover new music than on a long drive? However, it clearly works for KYE, so who am I to judge?

Junkee: A mistake that turned into an opportunity? 

When I first started as an artist I made really bad folk music — think singing in cursive. However, it taught me how to write and play instruments.

Cringe quote you used to live by?

“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” I am all for being positive and manifesting good things for yourself, but sometimes things are out of your control and you can’t force things to go a certain way.

Worst advice you got and blindly followed?

Cut off all your hair and start again, it’ll be healthier! 

The worst failure you’re up for sharing, and what you learned from it? 

It’s cliché but my first relationship was an absolute shambles. But it taught me a lot about self-love and self-respect. I know what I want now and how I deserve to be treated.

Anything you used to be wrong about?

Everything! I still am.

Embarrassing Internet habit?

I love watching old Say Yes To the Dress episodes on YouTube. I can get lost in it for hours.

Ideal morning routine versus actual morning routine?

I’d love to wake up early, meditate and then go work out. It usually looks like: wake up, doom scroll, get out of bed with 20 minutes to get ready, rush out the door. 

Something very off-brand for you?      

I like to drive in silence, no playlists, no podcasts. Even on long trips.

Bad health decision?

So. Much. Cheese. I am pretty lactose intolerant.

What do you waste money on?

Quirky vases and candleholders for my apartment.

Worst procrastination habit?

I can and will nap multiple times a day when I know I have deadlines. Or I’ll clean my whole house instead of finishing a song. 

KYE’s new EP Ribena is out now.

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Illustration credit: Matt Lauricella, @pigeonboyart