
Some Coward Dickhead MP Refuses To Own Up To Calling Jacinda Ardern A “Stupid Little Girl”

If you're gonna yell it in Parliament, you need to be prepared to own it.

jacinda ardern sexist mp

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A mystery New Zealand MP who called Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a “stupid little girl” in Parliament has so far refused to own up to his remarks, and behold: this is the pinnacle of wimpy male cowardice.

Here’s what we do know: last week in NZ Parliament, one of the (many) men in the National Party decided to yell out the sexist remark in the middle of Ardern’s speech. But while the Speaker immediately stopped proceedings and called for the guy who made the remarks to apologise, no one stepped forward.

And they still haven’t, a week later, despite intensive investigations by both the Speaker and Newshub. In fact, all ten of the potential culprits flatly denied it was them to Newhub, which means that someone is being a giant pissbaby and lying about it.

If anyone ever comes forward, they’ll need to retract their words in Parliament and apologise to Ardern, and also forever be known as a sexist dickhead. And if no one comes forward, well, we’ll find them eventually.

Anyway, this doesn’t need saying, but Jacinda Ardern’s great. It’s a pity she has to spend so much time dealing with sexist cowards with nothing meaningful to say.