
A Guide To Surviving The 21st Birthday Season

Your permission to outfit repeat.

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Birthdays are fun. 21st birthdays are even more fun. And multiple 21st birthdays in one week seems like it will be out-of-this-world fun.

But in reality, multiple 21st birthdays in one week is where things get decidedly less fun. Unless you’re prepared and know what you’re getting yourself into.

So, if you’re looking at this week or this month in your calendar and it’s back-to-back with 21st invitations, stop what you’re doing and read this guide to surviving the season.

#1 Group Gifting

Do you ever find yourself stressing over how much to spend when it comes to 21st birthday presents? And then, of course, what to spend your money on? Yeah, I do too. Sometimes I’ll literally bring myself to tears trying to figure it out. Or at least I did until I discovered the blessing of group gifting.

And I know, when you read “group gifting” you get this sort of cringe feeling. Like you’re being stingy or not really thinking about the person you’re gifting to. But I can tell you now, group gifting is nothing like that at all.

It simply allows you to get someone a gift they really want even if it costs a lot of moolah. I mean, we aren’t all million dollar earning people, so why do we always think we need to act like one? After all, it’s the thought that counts.

#2 Outfit Repeating

Coming from college, the taboo concept of outfit repeating is something I’m very familiar with. However, as I’ve left college and entered the real world, I’ve discovered not outfit repeating is almost impossible. In fact, it’s almost best to embrace it.

So, when it comes to those 21st birthday parties lined up in your schedule, I say wear what you want. Drag those nice pants or skirt from your dirty clothes basket if you must – just remember to do a sniff test – and be on your merry way.

After all, who is going to notice? Yes, it would be flattering if someone paid that kind of attention, but realistically I don’t think anyone is quite so observant. And if they are… Well, it would be sort of disconcerting don’t you think?

#3 Group Transport

Transport can be expensive, depending where you live and where you’ve got to go. But one of the best things about modern technology is that you can organise with people in advance to do things together and split the cost. Also, it’s an excuse to organise pre-drinks at someone’s place.

But whatever you do, don’t be the one person who “forgets” to pay their share. Nobody enjoys chasing after their money as it goes waltzing out the car door and into a venue, never to be seen again. It’s just impolite. Plus, how would you feel if someone did it to you? Not good.

#4 Cash Only

Money, money, money. It’s probably one of the first thoughts (and songs) to pop into my head when I get a 21st birthday invite. How much am I going to spend on the gift, Uber there and back, even drinks out?

Well, here’s a tip to stop uncertainty with at least the last of those questions. Take cash only. Yep, I know, it’s simple. But it saves you the headache of looking at your bank account and cringing in the morning.

Therefore, when you do go out to these 21st birthday parties, only take your driver’s license, some money for drinks at kick-ons and maybe your student ID if you plan on reaping those student discounts. Really, it would be silly not to.