
The Benefits Of Leaving Everything Behind And Starting Again

Here's to new beginnings!

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“Do you still have that spare room?”

These words saved my life—taking a new opportunity and starting new is the best thing I could have done.

The End Of The Road

Last year was the worst year of my life. I’m not being dramatic—it really, really was.

The beginning of 2017 was hopeful. I’d just finished my degree with high marks: I was in the top 15 per cent of my degree. I’d secured a new job relatively in my field, and was eager to finally start my career. But things don’t always work out how you want them to.

At first, I loved my job — I was so thrilled to be getting paid. But quite quickly, it became a burden and incredible drain. Eventually, I was doing 14-hour days in a job I was so bored by. More than once, I went to the bathroom to cry silently into some toilet paper before composing myself and getting back to it. Eventually, we agreed the job wasn’t for me.

I was partially homeless for part of the year and ended up staying on friend’s couches. At one stage, I was living with a family member but her dementia made staying almost impossible. She would do strange things like hang meat in the cupboard, or call me, panicked that she’d lost the microwave in the kitchen of a home she’d lived in for ten years. Every time I left she’d call, wondering if I was coming back. It’s excruciating to watch someone you love begin to lose parts of themselves.

On top of this, I found out my Dad had Stage 4 terminal cancer. They said he had a 50 per cent chance of making it another five months.

I lost my job, my beloved pet died, my long-term partner broke up with me, I was partially homeless, broke, jobless, and faced with the prospect of losing one of my favourite people.

Life had lost its colour and meaning. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I had no motivation to write. No motivation to eat. No motivation to shower or brush my hair. I lived off alcohol and packets of noodles for months.

Getting The Hell Out Of There

Then, I messaged one of my best friends in Melbourne to see if she wanted a new housemate.

I packed up all of my belongings into my little Toyota Corolla and drove ten hours alone to my new home. And it’s honestly been the best decision I’ve made.

Since moving, I have more motivation. I’ve been writing like crazy, and starting to earn a decent income. I’m hopeful about securing full-time work in communications.

Moving is terrifying — but it might just be the best thing you’ll ever do.

I’ve made new friends. I’ve been on dates. I’ve forced myself out of my comfort zone and regularly meet new people and try new things.

I finally have my own space. And I feel more hopeful than I have in a long, long time.

It hasn’t solved all my problems. My family are still facing serious health issues. I still struggle with mental illness. I’m still broke — but I’m happy.

It’s sad leaving behind everyone and everything you’ve ever known. I’ll miss my Mum. I’ll miss my family. I’ll miss my best friends. I’ll miss all the animals I’ve met.

Moving is terrifying — but it might just be the best thing you’ll ever do. There’s new opportunities, new places to visit, and new relationships to explore. Most of all, there’s a new you.

Zoe is a journalist with a passion for all things wacky and strange. Like her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter for more!