
Andy Serkis Reading Donald Trump’s Tweets As Gollum Will Make Your Skin Crawl

"What's covfefe, precious?"

Andy Serkis Trump

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Last night on The Late Show during an interview with Andy Serkis, host Stephen Colbert got to combine two of his very favourite things: Lord of the Rings, and taking the piss out of Donald Trump.

Serkis was on the show to promote his latest movie, War for the Planet of the Apes. But what with Colbert being one of the world’s biggest Tolkien nerds, the host couldn’t let the actor go without having him reprise his most iconic role, that of Gollum in Peter Jackson’s epic film trilogy.

Instead of having Serkis trot out dialogue from the movies, however, Colbert instead turned to The White House for inspiration. And yeah, surprise surprise, but it turns out Smeagol doesn’t know what ‘covfefe’ means either.

The Trump stuff comes at 3:30 in the video below.