
6 Ways You Can Still Discover Yourself If You’re In A Relationship

Have your cake and eat it too.

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We’re often told that being single is the key to making the most of our 20s. And honestly, it’s mostly correct. Having the freedom to do whatever you want, live wherever you want, travel as much as you want is a really easy way to get to know yourself.

But you might have found the love of your life in high school, or just started seeing someone who makes you all happy – does this mean you can’t “find yourself” or enjoy your 20s? We don’t think it should!

Start by thinking about all the things you’d like to achieve in your 20s. We bet there isn’t one (apart from maybe making out with a Sprouse twin) that you can’t still achieve in a relationship.

#1 Make Sure You And Your Partner Are On The Same Page

Communicate with your SO about the stuff that you’d like to achieve while you’re young. It might be living overseas for a few years or getting your PhD. Make sure you both know exactly what you want to achieve so you can figure out ways to do it together.

If they know from the outset that you want to travel a lot or you’d like to spend a certain day of the week alone, they’ll support you and help you reach those goals. Be honest and open.

#2 Travel Together

Who says that you can’t get all the benefits of travelling when you’re with someone else? You still get the freedom, you still get to do what you want, you just need to discuss it with someone first. You can go off and look at museums while they scroll through parks, or bungy jump while they go shopping. Whatever it is, you can still explore and have fun and see the sights with (or temporarily without) another person by your side.

#3 Discuss Sex Stuff Openly

Try new things with your partner that you saw on TV/have always been curious about. You don’t have to have a bunch of sexual partners to experience really good sex – you just have to figure out what you really like!

#4 Spend Time Apart

When you’re in the throes of new love, you want to spend every waking moment with your partner. Scheduling time apart (no excuses!) will ensure that you have your own identities and can come back to each other with your own stories.

#5 Meet New People

One of the best parts about being young is meeting new people and forming new friendships. Join clubs at uni, learn a language at the local TAFE, do a community theatre play, volunteer! There are so many ways to broaden your social circle.

Having fresh new people in your life will keep your relationship fresh and exciting. Think about it: you’ll talk about new things, do new things and remind each other why you’re together in the first place.

#6 Set Challenges For Each Other

The one thing that people in a relationship have that single people don’t? Accountability. You can write down goals or challenges for each other and make sure you each reach them, like learning a language or running 5km. You can even do things together if you’re a bit apprehensive about it.